Ineffective Health Maintenance Nursing Care Plan

Medical Diagnosis: Abd Pain

Ineffective health maintenance related to lack of ability to make good
judgments regarding ways to obtain help as evidenced by patient
statement “I’m just so stressed, I don’t know what to do anymore.”
Short Term:
Patient will discuss fear of or blocks to implementing health regimen
as measured by identification of two fears or blocks to implementation.



statement “I’m just so stressed, I don’t know what to do anymore.”



Blood sugars 150, client sitting up in bed with arms crossed, client leaning forward and appears distressed.


 -Assess the client’s feelings, values, and reasons for not following
the prescribed plan of care.

-Assess for family patterns, economic issues, and cultural patterns
that influence compliance with a given medical regimen.

-Help the client to choose a healthy lifestyle and to have appropriate
diagnostic screening tests completed.

-Discuss with the client and support person realistic goals for
changes in health maintenance.


. Assessment of an individual’s preferences
for participation in decision-making will allow for enlisting
involvement in decision-making at the preferred level.


The family’s
reaction to the diagnosis has a significant influence on adherence to
the treatment regimen.


Healthy lifestyle measures, such
as exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, not smoking,
and limiting alcohol intake, help reduce the risk of cancer and other
chronic illnesses (Ackley & Ladwig).


The importance of personalized goals
and social support in designing health interventions for older adults
is a unique predictor of health goal attainment.


Pt was able to identify specific fears to maintaining their health regimen.



References: Varcarolis, E., Halter, M. (2010). Foundations of psychiatric mental  health nursing: A clinical approach 6th. Saunders, St Louis.